Minorthread Gift Card - For Those Who Are In Need Of A Gift And Have No Idea What to Get.
Do you love the high pressure situation of giving gifts on a specific date for arbitrary reasons like I do?? there is a reason at every supermarket the end cap is filled with gift cards from every dumb online marketplace you can think of from Amazon to Home Depot. Since you can't think of anything good to get, or you are like me and live in fear of buying the wrong gift, or even worse in the wrong size... now you can leave that decision in the hands of the recipient.
I'm not saying gift cards are amazing, It is two steps above "here is some cash, now shut the fuck up and don't say I never got you anything" and one step above a Chili's gift card you forget you have an redeem at the airport next time you are traveling and spend $50 on a meal that isn't fit to barf on.
Now that I have done a thorough job of selling you on the idea of a gift card, please enjoy it. if you need another denomination other than the childish ones I have created, just email me and let me know. ill arrange whatever.