


Slayer - 00's Silver Eagle Glass Beer Mug Set

I bought these say, 2005?  I washed them in the dishwasher once though and they faded.  I was bummed to say the least, but I just stored them in the cupboard and never used them again. 

All my shirts are old / vintage (unless otherwise stated) and come with wear and tear of shirts from its age.  any major defects / flaws / holes will be highlighted in the photos.  please examine these best you can before purchasing.  Tag size and shirt size don't always match up (most case for older shirts) so please check the measurements to ensure a proper fit. 


  • 16oz


  • [Unknown]

#Descendents #ALL #Allroy #Milo

#vintage #Tour #Shirt #concert #SST #Punk #CruzRecords

#MiloGoesToCollege #IDontWantToGrowUp #Enjoy #Liveage #Hallraker #EverythingSucks #HypercaffiumSpazzinate #CoolToBeYou #AllroySez #AllroyForPrez #AllroysRevenge #AllroySaves #Pummel #Trailblazer #BreakingThings #Problematic #MassNerder #Percolater

セール価格$40.00 USD